By The EditorsBy The Editors|November 4, 2020|Style & Beauty,
Replinish and revitalize at these Chicago staples.
RevIVeDoc’s calming interiors
1. RevIVedoc’s vitamin drip treatments deliver micronutrients directly to cells in your bloodstream, making it easier to meet essential nutritional targets compared to taking vitamins in pill form, which rely on additional digestive system absorption. Treatments are customized to your individual needs, promoting brain health and overall wellness. RevIVedoc’s top treatments include Myers’ Cocktail, Brain Reboot, Good Mood and NAD+ Therapy, which refuels the brain to provide more energy and sustains beyond caffeine or other supplements. 2223 W. Belmont Ave.
2. IVme has ample experience as a leader in IV hydration therapy and vitamin drips. Its extensive list of options include HydrateMe, which adds fluids and electrolytes to leave you feeling fully hydrated; Beauty, for additional antioxidants leading to a healthy glow; and High Dose Vitamin C, a regimen of 100% vitamin C to boost your immune system. Among IVme’s other restorative treatment options are The Executive, Hangover and Jetlag. Don’t skip the VIP Club: You can choose from any IV hydration treatment (sans the Executive IV) and get 20% off additional services. Multiple locations
3. Nourish your body with Lume’s preformulated drip treatments. Its IV Drip Menu delivers a variety of vitamins, electrolytes and minerals that are maintained in your system for two to three weeks. The Immunity Idol gives a dose of vitamin C, zinc and B complex to support the growth and repair of body tissues and protect the immune system, while the Glow Getter adds biotin, glutathione and magnesium chloride to fight inflammation, detoxify and stimulate a radiant glow. Looking to boost metabolism? Test the Slim Drip, which is formulated with an amino blend to replenish your muscles and promote weight loss. 351 W. Hubbard St.